Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Does the "King of the Forest" plant (Cassia Alata) really help with Acne?

So I have acne (acne vulgaris)... and pretty bad too.

Wasn't joking when i said it was bad.
However, I didn't really pay attention to it because it never really posed as a hindrance to my advancements. Until I realized that my face is my ambassador and I might need good skin for my career.

So the challenge came along for me to battle the problem. This blog documents just that. However, I've opted to use some stuff we may be able to find around the house (yard too), rather than all those potentially harmful, processed chemicals.

Therefore for the next several weeks, I'll be my own guinea pig and for the first seven days, I'll attempt to discover how effective the  "King of the Forest" plant, scientifically named "Cassia Alata", is in retarding acne.

Now, based upon research, Cassia Alata is said to contain anti fungal properties and is used for treating ring worm and poisonous bites. Now, you may be wondering- What the hell? We're dealing with acne, not fungi! But, in many cases, acne is a result from our skin being exposed and susceptible to bacteria around us where the skin becomes inflamed and thus produces pimples. Through vicarious experiences, I've learned that it helps to get rid of liver spots also. Other names include- Candle bush, Candelabra Bush,Empress Candle PlantRingworm Tree or "candletree"

So in the morning (that's my preferred time), I take a few leaves of the plant and wash them with clean water. Then I wash my face with only water too. I crush the leaves in my palm and apply the juices secreted to my face and chest. If the leaves are soft enough, I use them as a scrub too. At this point, I just leave it on and go prepare breakfast or help get the kids ready for school. I wash it off when i shower for work.

I'll repeat this for the next six days and record any changes, if any and let you know in the next blog post.... Lets see how this goes!

These are some of the sites I found some info on:


  1. Tested and to work. This is a good plant to have in ur back yard.

  2. Interestingly I have the soap (king of the Forest) home made.

  3. Hey stumbled on your blog- what were the results from this?

  4. this plant totally works. I boil the leaves and drink it in the morning and at night. The tea doesn't have a taste so you don't have to worry about it tasting bitter , just add a spoon of sugar if you like and that's it. it clear up my acne and acne spot that was on my face

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  8. I have been told NOT to drink tea made of the leaves of this plant when it is in bloom as it is very poisonous at that time.

  9. I just found out about this plant and it is in bloom now should I not make tea and drink it is it really poisoned at this time of cycle?

  10. I really miss Jamaica for these natural remedies..i use it for my eczema it really in America I have to use medications that don't work...

  11. It also good for balancing hormone.

  12. I need some for my cold, it do work.

  13. I kw it really works on liver spot. rub the leaves n apply to skin for few days

  14. As we speak I'm here having a second cup of king of the forest,someone comment about using sugar this tea doesn't need any additives

  15. I have the plant in my back yard I can say for sure it works my grandchildren have eczema we tried so many over the counter cream they work for a little but the eczema return my cousin came from Jamaica and rub the leaves in his palm and apply to the affect area it's all gone he juice the leaves with other plants to make antibacterial soap and they work
